Jack Thompson

Website Designer & Developer

I'm a creative developer from Derbyshire with a vast skill set and lots of experience working for both freelance and agency clients creating websites for organisations of all types and sizes across the UK.

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Recent Work

DB Wood

DB Wood is a Financial planner from Newark-on-Trent. They were looking for a re-design of their existing website which was starting to look dated. Together with Felix, who crated the design which I then coded as a bespoke WordPress theme. As we were hosting and managing the new website for them I created a clean WordPress setup, imported all their blog posts and ensured all content within the site was editable (using Advanced Custom Fields) so it could be easily updated by the client. The client was so happy with the result they've come straight to us to create them a new website for a sub-brand.

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Stevenage Glass

Stevenage Glass is a Glass merchant from Stevenage. Their current site had grown massively since it was created and was now getting hard to manage and for customers to use. Together with Felix designing and me coding, we created them a brand new website that was more modern, a lot cleaner and easier for customers to use. Felix designed the new website and I coded it as a bespoke WordPress theme. This was one of the largest sites I'd worked on and was a really challenging ensuring all the content the client wanted was migrated over to the new website.

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Cottage Balti

Cottage Balti is an Indian Restaurant in Beeston, Nottingham. They wanted a website re-design and the brief was that it needed to be modern, match their new app look but still feature images of their restaurant and food. I created a bespoke design which they loved as soon as they saw it and couldn't wait for it to go live.

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Air Conditioning

I was tasked with creating a design for a air conditioning landing page that would be used to generate leads via location specific pay per click ads. The brief was to target commercial customers and push visitors to either call or request a callback which would be tracked to monitor conversion rates along with interactivity tracking to create split A/B testing to further optimise the conversion rate.

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The Complete Cover

Bespoke HTML/CSS landing page.

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Roofing Repairs

Landing page design.

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Geti Devleopments

Bespoke HTML/CSS landing page.

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July 2020 to Present at App4
App/Web Designer & Front End Developer

After working on a few freelance projects through the worst of the pandemic, I secured a full time role at APP4 in their tech team designing and coding app UI designs that worked with their app framework and creating bespoke websites. They were experiencing rapid growth in customers from the demand for food ordering systems increasing because of the pandemic restrictions. This brought some problems which I was able to overcome with experience such as quickly implementing a ticketing system to allow the customer support team to priorities tasks they needed the tech team's help for. Having never worked with mobile apps previously, I was quick to pick up the knowledge required to debug problems with the Android and Apple app framework they use and how to get the apps from build files to live in the Google Play & Apple App Store. While my WordPress experience made creating the bespoke websites a breeze and enabled me to work on my UI design skills.

Dec 2019 to Match 2020 at BriefYourMarket
Designer & Front End Developer

At my time at BriefYourMarket the majority of my work was designing & coding bespoke email templates & print marketing for a wide range of clients. But my existing experience allowed me to Identify problems with the companies website and organise meetings to plan improvements to it which I was then responsible for implementing to improve user experience and increase website conversions. Unfortunately my time at BriefYourMarket was cut short due to a decision to dramatically cut staff at the start of the covid pandemic.

Sep 2017 to Dec 2019 at Adtrak
Front End Developer, UX/UI Designer & PHP Back End Developer

When I started at Adrak my role was to design & code bespoke landing pages that focus on optimised lead generation. These were just HTML/CSS files saved on a shared office drive but I didn't think this was the most efficient way of working so creating a basic custom CMS for location-based landing pages to allow the functionality code to be separate from the visual HTML/CSS code to make it easier to maintain. I also transitioned the team to using GIT version control and automated deployment rather than shared drives and FTP so everyone knew what changes had been made, changes could be put live quickly and easily and then rolled back if needed. My skills were soon noticed by the development department and I was soon responsible for maintaining bespoke WordPress plugins used across multiple websites. Updating & resolving issues on eccomerce websites and bespoke ordering systems. Resolving issues reported directly by clients and communicating back to them. Supporting the design/front-end team and training junior team members.

Nov 2015 to Sep 2017 at Purpose Media
Apprentice to Junior Front End Developer

My first agency job was client support apprentice at Purpose Media where my job was to communicate directly with clients over the phone, through support tickets and emails. Support clients with updating their WordPress and eccomerce websites. Resolve any issues I could or reporting them to the development team. The skills I'd developed from teaching myself the basics of HTML, CSS & WordPress allowed me to progress into a junior front end role within 6 months where my role was to code bespoke WordPress websites from scratch to a pre-defined design. Ensure my code is readable, fully responsive, and works in all commonly used browsers. Integrate third-party plugins and a bespoke eccomerce system into WordPress. Supporting the client support team with website issues.

Freelance Projects

I've worked on a wide variety of freelance projects in my spare time, starting with family friends while I was still learning the basics to working on joint projects with two friends who I'd worked with at a previous agency. The two recent projects we worked together on are DB Wood & Stevenage Glass which have both been great successes and I loved being involved with the projects from start to finish.

About Me

When I'm not glued to a computer screen I'll most likely be out in the fresh air with my partner Jordan and our little puppy Bia. Living so close to the peak district means we're never short of a place to walk and we love finding somewhere new to explore. We bought our first house just before the first Covid lockdown and with lots more spare time stuck in then we imagined we kept ourselves busy getting into some DIY projects, some going really well and others being, well lets just say learning curves.